Monday, June 1, 2009

Throw Up Your Arms into the Sky

"21 Guns," Green Day

1) Kristen and Scott visited for the weekend. Amazing. Too many highlights to name, but my favorite was probably bodysurfing for HOURS on Saturday and Sunday, even though it was overcast and in the 60's.

2) Just got an iPhone. I'm in love.

3) In the process of grading 175 research papers and am so far behind it's laughable. Current notable excerpt: "Some teens may not know how crucial drinking and driving can become. Not only is death of others or one self a huge consequence, being arrested and sent to court is equally as terrible." WTF?

4) I like the new Miley Cyrus song.

5) Tim buys bread that tastes like it has little bits of toenail baked in.

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