Thursday, October 30, 2008

Signs that Caution: "Sixteen's Unsafe"

"Anthem Part 2," Blink-182

It's true what they say. Teenagers can be cruel, selfish, lazy, unmotivated, and apathetic. However, they can also be incredibly smart, witty, passionate, creative, daring, and truthful. Every day my kids challenge and impress me. We are studying 19th century American literature right now, and I LOVE it. We started with transcendentalism, and got to read Thoreau, Emerson, Wordsworth, Whitman, Longfellow, and Bradbury. We moved into American Gothic last week, and read William Faulkner and lots of Edgar Allan Poe. The kids analyzed classic Gothic poems and modern Gothic songs and made posters:

They also wrote their own Gothic poems:

We're now focusing on Realism and Mark Twain, but during the Transcendentalism part of our unit we read and listened to the "Sunscreen Song" from 1999. Since the lyrics praise the importance of being your own person, following your own dreams, and appreciating nature, the connection to transcendental life seemed fairly clear. We decided to come up with our own "words to live by," and posted our ideas on a 20 foot stretch outside the classroom in the hall. This is only a portion:

A few of their words of wisdom.....

You know yourself better than anyone else.
Think green.
Go to the beach.
Be fair.
Belly dance.
If you have the opportunity, take it.
Have no regrets.
Eat buttermilk pancakes and smile.
Know your neighbors.
Respect everyone; don't blame others.
Keep the people you love in your life.
Wear your favorite color.
You can't shake hands with a clenched fist. -Gandhi
Life's a garden...dig it!
Take a drive with your best buddies.
Chances are, you were right.
Say good morning to Ms. Murray.
Hate is easy, love takes courage.
Eat sushi at least once!
Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams you never knew you had.
Live every day as if it were your last.
Respect yourself. Keep your own identity.
Watch the sunset.
Leave the nest.
Memorize the lines from your favorite movie.
Lie in the grass at night and appreciate the beauty of the stars.
Drive slower.
Leave a legacy.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Can't Remember When the Earth Turned Slowly

"Spinning," Jack's Mannequin

So apparently, although Tim and I are currently both leading very busy lives, nothing is as interesting as our dog. Pathetic? Maybe. But he's just so damn cute. And he does keg stands...

In other not-as-cute news, Tim came home from work yesterday to find the big trash bag (which we, stupidly, left on the floor in the kitchen) completely demolished, it's contents wrecked haphazardly all over the kitchen and hallway floor. Compliments of Bailey of course...(maybe he had been doing kegstands prior to this incident?) I'll spare you the shot of the upturned kitchen, but here's the proud instigator (and yes, that's a Hamburger Helper box in the corner. Judge all you want, that stuff's amazing):

Tonight Tim carved Halloween pumpkins while I caught up on DVR-ed television and avoided grading papers (an art I am perfecting FLAWLESSLY, by the way).

There is still one more I need to carve later in the week, but for now our front windowsill looks like this:

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm Under Those Same Stars

"For Blue Skies," Strays Don't Sleep

Things I've Done in the Last Few Days that I'm Not Entirely Proud of:

1) Used toilet paper as a coffee filter.
2) Came home from work Wednesday and watched an entire Lifetime Original Movie rather than graded papers, exercised, or called people back.
3) Let the dishes sit out for four days until Tim finally did them even though it's been my turn for a LONG time.
4) Had a cavity and (apparently) needed to be TAUGHT at the dentist's office how to floss.
5) Made plans to go to a NKOTB concert.

Things I've Done in the Last Few Days that I AM Proud of:

1) Picked a caterer. :)
2) Got goosebumps of excitement at school before I got to teach Longfellow and transcendentalism.
3) Had a former student tell me she wants to be an 11th grade English teacher because of my class.
4) Washed my car (okay, that was like two weeks ago).
5) Made plans to go to a NKOTB concert.