Monday, October 26, 2009

'Neath the Cover of October Skies

Moondance," Van Morrison

Three weeks ago, we flew to Rocklin for Lindsey and Matt's wedding. The entire weekend was just perfect, and Linds and Matt were glowing the whole time:

Tim and I arrived Friday, and spent Friday night at Aunt Robin's house for cocktails, music, and hanging out. Good food and company were beyond plentiful:



Arbitrary yager shots

The next day, Saturday, was the wedding rehearsal, and there was a palpable excitement in the air:

Eventually, we made our way to a local softball field, where we played softball for hours. Everyone had a blast:

 Sunday was the wedding day. Love, excitement, and celebration surrounded every minute. Lindsey was beautiful, calm, and collected all morning, and she was an absolutely stunning bride. It was the perfect day, and I was so honored to be a part of it. Matt and Linds are lucky to have found one another, and I know they have a lifetime of happiness ahead of them. Welcome to our crazy, chaotic, and amazing family, Matt!

Congratulations Matt and Linds! We love you!

Your eyes shine through me
You are so divine to me
Your heart has a home in mine
We won't have to say a word
With a touch all shall be heard
When I search my heart it's you I find
-Beloved One, Ben Harper

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