Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Love is A Star

(Sure, Some Hazardry)
"Beth/Rest," Bon Iver

Fitting that this entry is two months late...

Here's to the past two years. Of love, friendship, laughter, and Pete Townsend. Of bare feet, shell necklaces,  Enzo, and Lotus Thai. Of moves and heartache and acceptance and reunion.

Here's to following our hearts, always.
To never, ever settling. 
To dangerous treks down rocky terrain to get WAY too close to the elephant seals.
To silliness and creativity and invincibility. 
To fresh fish tacos and sweet tea vodka.
To too much wine and 2:00 AM conversations.
To belting out "Walking in Memphis" on road trips, beautifully off-key.
To never carrying a burden alone, no matter how painful or isolating. 
To birds of paradise and extra Splenda and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
To understanding a dream is never too distant or too unrealistic or too big or too anything.

Maybe you'd be kidnapped by pirates
And they would take you to their hideout
As pirates often do
But I'd find the secret map
And I would vigilante-bushwhack
Through the jungles of Peru

Just to save you and I'd take you north to Mexico
Where you would tell me your life story on the steps of a Mayan temple
Where we'd camp singing nonsense songs in 12 bars to the jaguars, until you'd sense me
Your eyes convincing, and I would kiss you like a hero in the half-light
Dryer sheets and peach shampoo, the smell of palm leaves, I'd sleep against you
Until the natives found us, but they would crown us king and queen
And we could stay there, spend our days there, eating guava by the sea
And I could understand your views and you could fall in love with me

And while the silly human race talks to droids in outer-space
We grow old and laugh about this song
And between the jungle and the stars, you sing nonsense songs in 12 bars to me
And in my sleep I hum along


    I hope your heart will (always) beat where my home is...
"Movin' Away," My Morning Jacket


meh said...
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