Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Way My Life's Got to Be

"The Reeling," Passion Pit

Tomorrow's class schedule on the whiteboard, check. Sigh over the amount of grading that's not done, check. Put on my rapist jacket raincoat and walk to the car, check. Stop at 7-11 for the extra-large-24-ounce cup of nature's best hot chocolate, check. Walk Bailey, check. Avoid the stack of bills, check. Eat the rest of yesterday's deviled egg salad, check. Collapse into the couch and watch 44 minutes of bad TV, check. Listen to Nelly "Just a Dream" and Jay Sean "2012" as motivation music, check. Turn on the computer (and, obviously, Pandora) and begin to plan for tomorrow, check. Go to bed too late and prepare for a repeat tomorrow, check. Boring? Maybe. Necessary? Definitely. I've been traveling the last four weekends in a row, and while My Life: October 2010 has been full of beautiful people, beautiful places, and beautiful memories (pictures and stories to come!), I cannot wait for this upcoming weekend. What's in store? Oh, no big deal, just an entire 48 hour block of pure, unadulterated laziness. Featuring: me, my couch, my television, my huge cotton sweats (men's size large, thanks), 85 cups of coffee, and Trader Joe's cereal. Oh, and sleeping in until 10. At least. Sure, I'll have to do a little quite a bit of grading. But I don't plan on leaving the house. Except to take Bailey out. Maybe.

Here's to the weekend. And also, Christopher Columbus, since I'll be teaching his 1494 letter to the king and queen of Spain next week:

We make lists, we make plans,
to write books, to form bands,
Or move to Kreuzberg and escape into the night
So pack your bags, let's take control
you and me, let's go the next time you're lonely
or the next time that you're free

So why, so why, so why
If we can make the plans, can we just not find the time

Don't get me wrong
I know it's hard and the good things never last
Yet there's no point waiting for the miracle to save your life
If you took the time to find what's real amongst the
baggage that you feel is holding you back
the demons cast aside...

The safe way is not the way to live your life
Your mind is beautiful, don't let the daydreams die

-"Find the Time," Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly

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