"Summer of Love," 311
I left last Thursday for Santa Barbara, and had an awesome trip up north. It started out by picking Krissy up at LAX (after a 45-minute detour down La Cienega because I missed the Century Blvd exit, but that's really beside the point...I can blame it on the fact I was freaking out that my car was overheating; which was a fair fear in that I replaced the radiator two days ago). We essentially went into a time warp and drove/walked around our old stomping grounds at UCLA...all of our old apartments, the pools, and all around campus.

Ordering lunch at Rubio's in Ackerman (the student union), an event that took place approximately 6,000 times during our days as Bruins:

The next day, I went to work with my mom and attended her school's end-of-the-year party. The staff at her school is small and (perhaps partially as a result of the size?) very tight-knit; their end-of-the-year parties are always crazy and fun.
Mom getting the party kicked off by dancing on a table because, well, she's flat-out amazing like that. (That's Paul's band rocking in the background):

We went out both Friday and Saturday night downtown...lots of fun! We even made it to Tonic one night, which will forever be ingrained in my memory as 634, no matter the name given under various ownerships. I can so distinctly remember (and sometimes, not so distinctly...) oh-so-tactfully requesting Beyonce's "Crazy in Love" and Usher's "Yeah" at roughly 10 minute intervals during the summers of 2003 and 2004. Because, (things don't change), I was still just as cool back then.
New friends; Kate and Tim!

I whole-heartedly
disagree with Thomas Wolfe...it's not only possible, but completely satisfying, to go home again.

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