We're MOVING! Well, I guess I'm jumping the gun a little bit; our credit check hasn't gone through yet (knock on wood, I think we're safe...). Here's the best part: our new apartment is across the street (and, technically, about half a block closer to the beach)! It's a 2 bedroom/ 2 bath, so we can get rid of our storage unit AND have an office/guest bedroom...if that's not an invitation to come and visit, I don't know what is. Chuck and Debbie gave us a beautiful L-shaped couch that has taken up residence in our storage unit due to lack of space in our apartment, so we can't wait to actually USE it! I'll post pictures as soon as I can. In the mean-time, here's a list of what I should be doing over the course of my spring break:
* Cleaning the apartment
* Grading papers
* Calling people back
* Buying printer ink
* Grocery shopping
Here's what I have successfully done so far:
* Slept in
* Avoided grading
* Watched re-runs of bad 90's sit-coms and (only 2!) lifetime movies
* Slept in
* Pretended to do BTSA work
* Stressed out about the inclusion of an 11th grade lit. circles book that may be too explicit for some teenagers (don't worry; I figured it out)
* Slept in
* Wondered if $75 is too much to spend on a new bathing suit
* Shopped on-line
* Went out to dinner with my dad
* Had dollar beers at Gordon Biersch
* Slept in
Productive? I think so...I mean, take a look at my alternative:
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