Since apparently Tim and I have been living in the dark ages, prior to last night neither one of us had ever played Wii, the Nintendo gaming system that has been sweeping the nation for about two years. We received a formal introduction last night from our friends Chip and Amanda. Much to our delight, players are able to create their own virtual characters:
Here's mine...complete with helmet hair and crazed, crossed eyes (thanks, Chip):
Unlike any other video game, Wii requires actual movement and interaction. Paired with heavy drinking, the resulting combination is semi-dangerous (unless you are as suave as Tim and Chip):
Wii didn't consume the entire night, however. It was also necessary for Tim to initiate Chip into the world of surplus government vehicles, such as ambulances, jets, helicopters, and large boats. Tim spends lots of time pursuing these sites, as we are continually struggling to find ways to spend the hundreds of thousands of extra dollars we have lying around. And also, you never know when a working ambulance (complete with an oxygen machine!) will come in handy.
No kidding...we don't mess around...
1 comment:
I, Ashek E. Alahi, age 45; am a service holder of a private organization is suffering for a Testicle Tumor for a long time. A Tumor developed in my Testicle. Now it is increasing and present weight almost 400 grams and size like a Tennis Ball and I feel difficult in my regular work moreover it may develop Cancer. Doctor advises me to operation the Tumor immediately otherwise Tumor will turn to Cancer.
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