Most of the time when I run, I find myself going over my internal to-do list, envisioning myself using Inspector Gadget-like powers of productivity upon my return home; swiffering the kitchen, scrubbing the bathrooms, and reading an entire section of the paper within the first hour back from pavement pounding. Other times during my run, my brain wanders into more intellectually profound territory (Does Rihanna or Beyonce sing "Halo"?) Regardless, I constantly depend on my iPod to keep my feet moving and my brain occupied. This player has all kinds of theme-based playlists, many mixes specifically made for running, however more often than not I find myself putting the entire iPod on random shuffle. True, there are a number of songs that I fast-forward (Tim's techno disasters and Richard Marx's "Right Here Waiting" are not sufficient running material), however it's a great way for me to come across music I have nearly forgotten. Yesterday, The Cars "Magic" came blaring into my headphones, and the beat was a perfect pick-me-up at an otherwise tough spot during the uncomfortable heat of the San Diego summer.
(That paragraph? A --perhaps unnecessary-- explanation as to where today's post title came from).
San Diego Summer: Operation 2009 has been near-perfect so far. We've spent lots of time with friends and family, read a few books, gone on a number of ocean swims, unsuccessfully tried to find new ways to cool down our apartment (thanks, landlord, for cutting down the ONLY tree that offered ANY solace of shade into our now oven-like abode), and found a bike frame in the dumpster and re-built the cruiser. Well, wait. That last one was just Tim:
Speaking of Tim, his bachelor party was last weekend. They went fishing all day Saturday, and then went out Saturday night. According to the slices of memory he can hazily piece together, he says they had an incredible time. Three of Tim's best friends (and groomsmen) generously flew in from all over the US, Chris was able to come down, and Chuck fished on Saturday as well. I know Tim was so grateful.
I really have no words for the toilet set-up, however:
We had a low-key weekend; Melissa and Koz came by to visit, we went to a graduation party, and spent quite a bit of time at the beach. Koz came bearing Nixon presents, and reminded me yet again why we love him:
It's July, and I'm currently right in the middle of my second work-free summer. Being a teacher is full of bright and fulfilling moments all school year long, and I am already having pangs of excitement for my next new set of students. However, summer's off are the most incredible gift, and I wish this was a luxury in every person's job. I figure, I'm allowed a little brag-room, seeing as how a stranger looking at my W-2s would assume I work at a retail store. But sleeping in, relaxing with the paper, coffee, and a DVR-ed episode of Law & Order: SVU in the mornings, taking the dog on long and overdue walks, laying on the beach with a book in hand, and late night glasses of wine with no early-morning consequences are all indulgences that make my meager salary more than worth it. I guess the fact that I love American Literature and my students helps, too.
"Oh, Earth, you are too wonderful for anybody to realize you. Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every,every minute?"
-Our Town, Thornton Wilder