Tim and I went to Panera for lunch on Sunday. I ordered the Fuji salad, and was settling into Gorgonzola heaven when I found a tiny green aphid-like creature amongst the leaves of Romaine. Because I apparently have no shame (is it shame I'd be lacking?), I simply plucked the sucker out, wiped him on my napkin, and proceeded to finish the meal. In a related story, two months ago a student brought me a sugar cookie from McDonald's. I left it at the side of my desk and promptly forgot about it; I didn't notice it again until after school as I was unabashedly avoiding grading Latin root tests and instead spending entirely too long wondering why colonel is spelled c-o-l-o-n-e-l, a question one of my students had posed minutes before the bell rang. I remember because I distinctly recall thinking, "I should know the answer to this, and I don't." In any case, I looked down on my desk to find the cookie covered with about 10-15 ants. With (maybe?) a split second hesitation, I picked it up, briskly wiped the ants hygienically onto the floor, and ate the cookie in about 3 bites. It was small; I was hungry.
I like to think of myself as a fairly clean person. Tim would, I'm sure, protest, but that doesn't really count because he puts "cleaning the apartment" in the same category as "going to Disneyland." Tim recently purchased a new vacuum, after making the comment: "Our old one just doesn't pick up as much as I'd like it to." (Sadly, my response to this was: "We own a vaccum?") He scoured websites and reviews with reckless abandon, and eventually brought home one of Costco's latest models.
Tim: Look what I got!
Me: Nice! You did the dishes earlier today, so I'll vacuum.
Tim: No way! This is my new toy. I get to use it first.
(I'm really, really not kidding; that conversation did actually take place).
I'm sure I should be more careful. One day I'm going to catch a disease from not washing my hands after touching a doorknob, and I'll regret that I didn't keep a little bottle of hand sanitizer in my back pocket. But until then, I'm going to hope for the best and continue to live daringly, even if an occasional insect stumbles across my lunch. And if I accidentally consume a little 6-legged treat, it's just arbitrarily adding a little bit of protein to the meal...

Yeah. It looked like that.
As a completed unrelated sidenote, I am so incredibly excited for October 16th and the release of Where the Wild Things Are: