Friday, September 25, 2008, 12 Midnight: Lobster Season Begins.
Saturday, September 26, 3:30 AM: Tim wakes up to meet a few other crazy-obsessed friends and takes the first lobster dive of the season. (Nights before, he had already laid out his gear and retrieved a "Lobster Report Card," a new necessity required by the Department of Fish and Game to track how many people dive for lobster, where they go, what their success rate is, etc.)
Saturday, 7:30 AM: Tim comes home (after catching 4 lobster), and retires on the couch for a few hours.
Saturday, 9:30 AM: Tim wakes up and eats breakfast.
Saturday, 10:00 AM: Tim puts on his STILL-SOAKING wetsuit and heads back out.
Saturday, 1:00 PM: Tim returns and retires to the couch to "watch" the Michigan game. Go Blue!
Lobster season has hardly started, and our freezer already looks like this (seafood, anyone?):
Yesterday afternoon, we went to the Adams Street Fair with friends, and then to Chip and Amanda's house for (a delicious!) dinner. Chip and Amanda recently became the proud parents of a beautiful Boxer they named FlapJack Daniels (Jack for short). He's awesome and, (really, whether either of them likes it or not) is going to be a good friend of Bailey's in the near future.
Speaking of Bailey, he is doing well after being treated two weeks ago for skin infections due to flea bites. We are continuing the slow process of training him-- (it's slow due to our lack of effort, not his; he's actually really smart). We decided he's not allowed in the kitchen, since the space is very small and it's easy to trip over a 16-lb. dog underfoot. So, he sits at the edge of the tile and gives this look while we cook:
The other breakthrough was teaching him to sleep on the ground instead of in the bed (which he was used to living with my dad). Most of the time he's great about it, although he's been sneaking in unnoticed as of late. Sometimes, he forgets he's a dog altogether: